All Episodes

PART TWO: Why Romans?

PART TWO: Why Romans?

If you haven’t listened to “PART ONE: Dr. and Mrs. Allman- Transformed by Grace,” be sure to check it out here: We pick...

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LeadersQ: Transforming Team Culture

LeadersQ: Transforming Team Culture

Jay Raines and Danette High join us today to talk all things leadership! Jay and Danette work for LeadersQ and have a passion for developing leadership teams. Hear invaluable wisdom for transforming team culture to...

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A Place of Preparation

A Place of Preparation

Rachel Goodwin joins us today with an inspiring story. Rachel is a Physician's Assistant and shares advice for students who are choosing their career path. She also shares how a country song impacted her life in the best...

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AP® and Dual Credit at NorthStar

AP® and Dual Credit at NorthStar

Join us today as we talk with Melissa Moreno! Melissa is our AP® and Dual Credit Administrator and she walks through what AP® and Dual Credit look like here at NSA! Show notes:4:15 What is the difference in an AP® class and...

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An Inside Look at NorthStar Courses

An Inside Look at NorthStar Courses

Join us today as we talk with four NorthStar teachers! Lindsey Hays, Katy Beirne, Melissa Moreno, and Shauna Mingus walk us through the courses they have authored and what they offer for our students. Hear what it's like to...

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NorthStar’s Curriculum Process

NorthStar’s Curriculum Process

Are you curious how courses are built at NorthStar? Join us today as we talk with Bethany Walker! Bethany is the Curriculum Director at NorthStar and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to education! Listen as she walks...

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Guidance Services at NorthStar

Guidance Services at NorthStar

Join us this week as we talk with Megan Carpenter, Guidance Counselor at NorthStar Academy. Megan walks through how our Guidance office is able to help families as they are choosing courses for their students. She breaks...

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