The Role of an NSA Supervisor

Jul 1, 2020 | NorthStar Resources | 0 comments

NorthStar supervisors play a vital role in online learning. So what does that look like? How much time does it require? Listen as Cathy gives practical tips and advice about what it takes to be a productive NSA supervisor. Learn how online courses prepare students for college in areas of communication, time management, and overall independence.

Show Notes:

2:32 – As a supervisor, I needed time with the kids every single day.

2:54 – I thought it was very important to go through the pacing guide that NSA provides and go through that with each student, every day.

4:27 – I love the orientation. I feel like there is a lot of information in it.

5:00 – One thing I really like is the communication from NorthStar.

6:10 – The connection between the teacher, student and supervisor is super important.

6:22 – I had the student copy me on every email they sent to the teacher so that we were all on the same page.

8:28 – Taking an online class is preparing you for college. Being able to connect with your teacher is so important.

9:47 – We tell everyone that we can that it is so important for every student to take at least one online course before leaving High School.

10:15 – Here at NSA, we want to be flexible to meet all of your school’s needs and all of the student’s and family’s needs.

11:23 – As we talk to parents, they say that college is easy for their student after taking courses with NorthStar.

11:44 – “Why would you recommend NorthStar?”

  • Caring teachers
  • Motivate kids with God’s word
  • Biblically integrated curriculum

12:58 – The kids having a strong foundation in the Word is so important when they go off to college.

14:38 – Top 3 things a supervisor must do to have success at NSA:

  1. Monitoring student’s progress/pacing every day (use a tool such as our pacing guide)
  2. Set goals for things the student needs to accomplish.
  3. Teach/encourage students to connect with their teacher

16:46 – With schools, it’s very important for the director to be on board with the suggestions NSA gives to school supervisors.

17:05 – Designate a specific person that can devote time to students to be the supervisor.

19:05 – It’s been a true blessing in being a supervisor. Seeing the love and support that the students get, not only from their teachers, but also from the home office.

Cathy Cornelison

School Liaison Assistant at NorthStar Academy

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