All Episodes
The Fight to Free Those Who Are Bought, Sold, Abused, and Enslaved
Join us as we talk with Remedy Drive singer and songwriter, David Zach as he shares the riveting story of how he fights against human slavery. Over seven years ago, David was propelled by God to join The Exodus Road, a...
God’s Grace Through Foster Care
Hear the inspiring story of Amanda McPhail as she shares how an 'Adoption Sunday' at church began a conversation between her and her husband that led them to foster care. Amanda explains how God has shown her how to be...
Don’t Be a Drifter – Stay Engaged!
Join us for an in-depth conversation with Carmen Lane as she shares how we can respond to thoughts surrounding fear, defeat, and lack of trust. Listen as she gives examples from the Bible that point to the stability and...
Taking Jesus Seriously, and Not Much Else
Join us for a fun conversation with Caroline Saunders: pastor’s wife, mom of three, and writer! Listen as she shares her mantra “Take Jesus seriously, and not much else,” and her biblical reasoning for living her life in...
Dave Decker: LightsOut
“What I thought was something burning down was something getting ready to be built.” Hear the inspiring story of Dave Decker, Jr, founder of LightsOut, an impactful nonprofit organization that ministers to artists, speakers,...
Navigating Dyslexia on the Mission Field
Join us as we talk with Melinda Whited, a mom of 7 children on the mission field in Southeast Asia. Melinda shares how God has provided for her family over the past decade, including providing the exact resources she has...
Life in the Jungle
Hear the fascinating story of Tammy Miller as she shares what it’s like to grow up in a jungle in South America as a missionary kid and then later go back as an adult and serve as a missionary. She will share how God...
Table Talk
Join us as we talk with Lisa Newman! Lisa discusses growing up as a pastor's kid, navigating the season of becoming a mom, life in ministry, and struggles with depression. She shares how she gained strength from God and why...
Being Salt & Light in 2020
Listen in as we talk with Pastor Bartholomew Orr! Known to many as the "flying pastor," Pastor Orr serves as the Senior Pastor at Brown Missionary Baptist Church in Southaven, MS. Pastor Orr discusses bullying, George Floyd,...
The Art of Parenting
Join us again with author and social entrepreneur Stephen James. Listen as Stephen discusses his latest book, Parenting with Heart: How Imperfect Parents Raise Resilient, Loving, and Wise-hearted Kids. Hear advice for...