We are so excited to have David Joannes on the show today! David is the founder and CEO of Within Reach Global! Within Reach Global exists to reach unreached people groups in the 10/40 Window with the gospel of Christ. Their four central focuses are compassion ministries, evangelism, discipleship, and church planting, with the goal of raising indigenous leaders to reach their own people. Each year, NorthStar Academy hosts a fundraiser called The Blessing Project to support a designated organization or cause, and this year, we are partnering with Within Reach Global to reach the unreached. This year’s theme is “REACH” and our scripture is Romans 10:14-15. Our goal is to raise $6,000 by January 12th. Would you help us? Simply click here to donate and be sure to share with your friends and family! We are so excited to serve in this way and can’t wait to see how God works through our giving.