Monica Kepes
The Kepes Family has been at NSA for 6 ½ years.Monica and her husband, Paul have 3 kids-Will, Anna, and Grace. Will and Anna have already graduated and Grace is a sophomore in high school this year. Prior to attending NorthStar the Kepes Family spent 9 years at a traditional, secular, brick and mortar school, but as years passed, they found it to be more and more difficult to live authentically as people of faith in such a closed environment. So, after a lot of prayer (and research), when the kids were 15, 13, and 10, the family voted (unanimously) to change directions and attend NorthStar Academy. And they’ve never looked back! Will is in his 3rd year at St. Norbert College in Business Administration. Anna is in the middle of her “gap year” and will attend Villanova University in the fall. And Grace, as mentioned, is in 10th grade here at NorthStar, just starting to explore all of her options. Everyone agrees: choosing to attend NorthStar was one of the best decisions their family has ever made.
As a first year NSA family it was helpful and encouraging to hear all the parent perspectives. Thank you!